MPK 3250 Pumping Unit

MPK 3250 Pumping Unit

MPK 3250 Pumping Unit Specification

S.No Parameters Values Remarks
1 Technical Identification Number 3250 -
2 Differential Cylinder Drive Rod Side Piston Side -
3 Maximum Concrete Pressure 60 bar 90 bar -
4 Maximum theoritical output 95 Cu.m 63 Cu.m Based on Drive Power
5 Maximum number of strokes 32 21 Based on Drive Power
6 Maximum horizontal placing distance 350 m 500 m -
7 Maximum Vertical placing distance 90 m 130 m -
8 Area Ratio (Hydraulic / Concrete) 0.2 0.3 -
9 Delivery cylinder diameter x stroke 200 * 1600 -
10 Delivery cylinder volume(litre) 50.3 * 2 -
11 Drive Cylinder 110 / 63 -
12 Engine KOEL / ALU / VOLVO Based on Requirement
13 Drive power(MAX RECOMMENDED) 133 KW Maximum possible with the kit
15 Hydraulic circuit Open Circuit -
16 Hydraulic Oil Volume 450 Litres Required for machine with open circuit
17 Volume of Hopper 600 Litres -
18 Type of Valve S Valve ( 8" ) -
19 Weight 2000 Kg -